2022 Spring Conference

Conference Links:

Agenda:  2022_MHS_Brochure_-_March_3-5__2022.pdf
Silent Auction: https://www.32auctions.com/MHS2022
Evaluation Form (Survey): https://form.jotform.com/220625400209039 
Websites Referenced: Doug Beck: http://www.douglaslbeck.com/
IHS Website: http://ihsinfo.org/IhsV2/Home/Index.cfm
3rd Party Info: 3rd Party Participation Book through IHS
Keith Darrow: https://www.drkeithdarrow.com/ and https://www.drdarrowseminars.com/

Presentations/Handouts: Doug Beck: Speech in Noise Test Instructions
Keith Darrow: Slideshow from Session (Coming soon!)
Recordings from sessions: Doug Beck: https://youtu.be/nGC77ZVaXDQ
Keith Darrow: https://youtu.be/KZFEtHMoaMY 
John Pumford: https://youtu.be/tW8aE4XzAks
Ted Venema, part 1: https://youtu.be/75vGUFLb61M
Jonathan and Hany Mikhail: https://youtu.be/_LJsjOWbrQs
Kim Cavitt: https://youtu.be/HcBPevVX0PY
Ted Venema, part 2: https://youtu.be/75vGUFLb61M 
Recordings from Round Robin:

Save the date for the Annual Missouri Hearing Society Conference!


Missouri Hearing Society

Annual Conference

March 3-5th, 2022


Interested in exhibiting at the conference?
Download the exhibitor form: MHS_Exhibitor_Registration_Form_2022.pdf

Not able to attend in person? We have sponsorship and donation options available! Use the exhibitor registration form above!