The purpose of the Missouri Hearing Society is to:
- Educate their members and the public;
- Further the interest of the hearing impaired and those who work with the hearing impaired;
- Enhance the image of the Hearing Instrument Specialist and Audiologist through positive public relations efforts with the residents of the State of Missouri.
Member Benefits:
Personal growth, legislative issues monitored for you, added credibility, CEU opportunities and member access to our Association web site are among the best benefits for being a member. For full detail on the benefits of being a MHS Member, click here.
Renew your MHS membership today!
You can renew online by clicking the button below, or by filling out the mail-in membership renewal form below.

MHS 2025 Membership Dues (pay by check)
MHS Membership Application (pay by check)
Contribute to the MHS Political Action Committee:
In order for us to stay on top of legislative items against our industry, we have our own Political Action Committee. Click here for a contribution form and send your donation today! Personal and corporate contributions are accepted.